Mario's Index

Tribute to Elodia Chapa by Derwood Lane...with Rachel
"Show me a thoroughly satisfied man.....and I will show you a failure."

Thomas Alva Edison

A ... phone home
Great places to visit
Don't get lost
Be Informed!
Search engines a service of C/NET the Computer Network
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Last update 1 Mar 2004

A ... phone home

  • New Orleans
  • New York City
  • Atlanta
  • Rio Grande Valley

  • Great Places to Visit

  • Tokyo
  • Brussels
  • San Juan Puerto Rico
  • Mexico City
  • Hong Kong
  • Memphis

    Top of Page

  • Don't Get Lost & Other Tips

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    Be Informed!

  • Internet Sleuth another search tool
  • Library of Congress
  • Locate a person or business if they have a listed phone number
  • NEWS LINK Major Metropolitan Dailies, TV/Radio Links, Magazines
  • Search engines a service of C/NET the Computer Network
  • Small Business Administration
  • Time Magazine
  • TV Stations around the country
  • US Government and other organizations

  • Index
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